Mentor ISPE

Powered & Led by Women in Pharma®

WIP Mentor ISPE Program

Women in Pharma's commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion expands beyond wish lists and future goals with Mentor ISPE. This innovative mentorship program, designed by current Women in Pharma members, sets out to redefine the relationship between mentors and mentees.

Through open communication and confidentiality, Mentor ISPE welcomes all members within the pharmaceutical industry to submit for a match.

The twelve months program will allow the international mentoring groups to learn from one another, grow professionally and personally, ignite social change, and Shape the Future of Pharma.

Mentor Group Roles

The international mentor groups will consist of 4-tiered pharmaceutical industry professionals and students. Participants will be grouped to grow professionally and personally by exchanging ideas, and knowledge and discussing common topics of interest.

Each member of the group should contribute equally to planning the meetings as well as initiating conversation. The program is intended to be an opportunity for professionals with more experience to mentor students and recent graduates while at the same time allowing space for reverse mentoring where students and recent graduates can give insight about their experiences and accomplishments to mid-level and executive-level or retired professionals.


University/College students pursuing a major that is suited for a job in the pharmaceutical industry and have an interest to learn more about this industry. Students interested in becoming a member are encouraged to email to ask about the FARRAR Mentor ISPE Student Sponsorship.

Recent Graduates

Recent graduates with less than five years of experience within the pharmaceutical industry looking to share their experiences and learn from students and professionals with more experience.

Mid-Career Professionals

Professionals with 5-15 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry looking to share their experience and learn from students and other professionals.

Executive Level Professionals

Professionals with 15+ years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry looking to share their experience and learn from students and other professionals.

Mentor ISPE FAQs

Contact the Mentor ISPE program for more information

Thank You To Our Student Sponsor.
