July / August 2023

Emerging Leaders Editorial: Continuity in Manufacturing and Industry Leadership

Zen-Zen Yen
Emerging Leaders Editorial: Zen-Zen YEN

The pharmaceutical industry is highly regulated, with strict standards for the production and distribution of medications. However, the concept of continuous manufacturing (CM) has revolutionized the way pharmaceutical products are made.

Continuous Manufacturing speeds up the development process, reduces errors through monitoring quality parameters, and lowers the costs of manufacturing. Similarly, continuity and collaboration are vital in developing leaders, achieving growth, and impacting future community members.

Importance of Continuity in Developing Emerging Leaders

As a member of ISPE’s Emerging Leader (EL) community, I have seen firsthand the impact of continuity and collaboration in developing the next generation of pharmaceutical industry leaders. To develop and advance as leaders, we engage with local affiliates, facilitate thought leadership events, and collaborate nationally and internationally. This shift has occurred gradually, similar to the move from batch production to CM.

Role of Collaboration in Achieving Sustainable Growth

Sustainable growth requires continuity, and the ISPE Emerging Leaders ensure continuity through their involvement in European and international conferences, as well as local events. Emerging Leaders have moved from being guests to contributors to program committee members, moderators, and co-chairs of educational tracks. Hackathons, launched in 2017, have become must-attend events for students seeking to work in the pharmaceutical industry. More than 100 students attend each year to solve real-world industry challenges with experienced coaches from the industry.

Benefits of Attending Conferences and Investing in Emerging Leaders

ISPE has launched 100 travel grants to the 2023 ISPE Europe Annual Conference in Amsterdam and the 2023 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo in Las Vegas. This sponsorship program makes collaboration, education, and networking even more accessible for young leaders working in pharmaceutical engineering and students seeking to join the pharmaceutical industry. Committed to helping professionals expand their network, experience, and knowledge within the pharmaceutical industry, ISPE provides the resources to make that possible. Emphasis on continuity helps bridge gaps across countries and speeds up innovation and progress.

Importance of Resilience

Continuity is not possible without resilience. Boosting resilience requires rest and breaks to come back to professional settings with energy and passion. Leaders who are overextended and in survival mode lack the mental capacity for innovation or progress. Like production lines that need proper maintenance, bringing yourself to be the best version of yourself requires clear minds, rested bodies, and proper fuel. As emerging leaders, we reiterate the importance of balance on a small, local level, and a large, international level.

The biggest benefit of becoming an ISPE member and joining forces with the Emerging Leaders is the continuity that comes from it. It takes an investment from all of us, but we are stronger together. Participation in conferences, events, and case studies can boost entire organizations and industries because talented leaders come together to overcome obstacles. Our industry is only as powerful as all of us. To have a lasting impact, we must remain committed to continuity and collaboration.

In conclusion, continuity in manufacturing has chanWged the pharmaceutical industry, and now it is changing industry leadership. Continuity and collaboration are crucial in developing emerging leaders, achieving sustainable growth, and impacting future community members. Boosting resilience among young leaders is vital in promoting innovation and progress. The investment in continuity and collaboration will have a lasting impact on the pharmaceutical industry and its leaders.

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