On behalf of your International Board of Directors, I would like to congratulate you on a very successful Annual Meeting. Thank you to our members, volunteers, staff, sponsors, and vendors for your contributions to its success. Congratulations also, to our award winners and to the GAMP® Community of Practice (CoP) on their 25-year anniversary . It has been just five weeks since our Annual Meeting and activities in each of the four focus areas I spoke about at the meeting have been initiated. Today, I would like to share with you some recent activities related to “Collaboration”. On 5 October, I had the pleasure of attending our Boston Chapter’s Annual Product Show. Joining me were Board members Tim Howard and Joe Famulare, and our CEO/President John Bournas. We had the opportunity to engage with ISPE colleagues, several students and young professionals. It was great to see past International Board Director, Doyle Johnson, receive the Boston Chapter’s prestigious “Hank Moes Lifetime Achievement” award. Congratulations to Doyle for winning this award and to our Boston Chapter on a successful product show!
The New Jersey Chapter, ISPE’s oldest Chapter, also celebrated its 30th anniversary last week. John Bournas and I joined more than 100 attendees to celebrate this important milestone. I had the distinct pleasure of sitting with and getting feedback from several young professionals who were very enthusiastic about ISPE. Congratulations to our New Jersey Chapter for your 30-year accomplishment and a successful event. Here’s to 30 more years! Also noted, at both the Boston and New Jersey Chapter events, were members wearing their “Women in Pharma” lapel pins. Clearly, the inaugural event at the 2016 Annual Meeting & Expo was a big hit and members recognize the value of women in pharma.
Thank you Fran Zipp and Charlotte Enghave Fruergaard for leading this important initiative. A request for Young Professionals (YP) representation on key ISPE committees has been issued and Brody Stara, ISPE International Young Professionals Chair, is working with committee chairs to identify interested YP representatives to serve on them. Brody and I have initiated discussions for a YP brainstorming event in August 2017. Watch for more specific information in upcoming communications. As 2016 winds down, take advantage of great opportunities with ISPE to expand your pharmaceutical knowledge and interact with industry professionals who are at the top of their field of study. With two new conferences, Facilities of the Future and Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing, and classroom training opportunities in SUNNY and WARM Tampa, Florida, you can hit the new year running with practical, real-world knowledge to build on your company's current best practices and meet or exceed FDA regulatory requirements. Get started today!
The following blog post was provided by Peyton Myers, an undergraduate student at Appalachian State University. Myers attended the 2023 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo in Las Vegas as an ISPE Foundation Professional Development Grant recipient.
The integration of data science in biopharmaceutical manufacturing, emphasizing data quality, tech transfer efficiency, and process optimization, is the heart of this track. Led by industry experts, discussions explore leveraging digital twins, predictive analytics, and continuous improvement initiatives. Additionally, interactive roundtable discussions provide attendees with a dynamic forum...
The pharmaceutical sector stands at a crossroads of immense possibilities. We are witnessing an unprecedented surge in innovation, fueled by a remarkable partnership between industry and regulatory authorities. For example, there are initiatives fostered by the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) to promote innovation with programs such as CATT (CBER Advanced Technologies Team) and ETP...