iSpeak Blog

Alone We Can Do So Little, Together We Can Do So Much

Michael A. Arnold, RPh


Where does the time go?  It’s been fourteen months and it seems just like yesterday you elected me Chair of the ISPE International Board of Directors.  In just a few short weeks I will transfer Chairmanship to Chair-elect Tim Howard at the 2017 ISPE Annual Meeting & Expo in San Diego.  I know that he will continue to provide sound leadership to our Society, and I look forward to supporting him and his leadership endeavors.    

As I reflect on the past year, I am proud of what we have accomplished and how we have positioned our Society for sustained growth and world-wide respect.  I hope each or you are equally as proud because you all played a significant role in our Society being where it is today and on a path, that will ensure even greater future success.  

  • To Our Members:  I thank you all for your support, your candor, and your willingness to challenge the status quo.  Your input and persistence to drive us towards success in all our efforts is second to none.  
  • To Our Staff:  You are the engine of the Society.  Your professionalism, your drive to do whatever you can for our members and volunteers sustains us.  You’ve endured significant organizational change this past year and your commitment to ensuring a successful transition is appreciated and commendable.  
  • To Our Volunteers:  I thank you for your expertise, your commitment to ISPE, and your willingness to provide both technical and intellectual guidance in all ISPE initiatives in which you are involved.  You are the fuel for our engine and we are forever grateful for your unwavering support of ISPE.
  • To My Board Colleagues: I thank you for your support, guidance, and leadership.  I’m proud to be associated with such enthusiastic, visionary, and committed leaders in our industry and even more proud of the accomplishments we achieved together.  As a Board, we were very active and engaged this year; leading several Board Committees, industry wide efforts, and various task teams, all culminating in a very successful year.  I’m reminded of a famous quote; 
    “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much..”

I will be forever grateful for your support and confidence in me as your leader.
