iSpeak Blog

Chairman's Chatter: Embracing the Challenge

Michael A. Arnold, RPh
Chairman's Chatter - Mike Arnold, ISPE International Board of Directors Chair

I want to thank each of you for the tremendous opportunity to be your 2016-2017 International Board Chair. I am truly honored and humbled by your vote of confidence. I also want to thank Joe Famulare, immediate Past Chair, for his leadership and mentorship over the past year. ISPE continues to achieve positive growth in membership and revenue, which is a reflection of the leadership of Joe, the Board of Directors, ISPE staff, and our volunteers. Looking to the year ahead, I see both opportunities and challenges for ISPE. It is clear to me that our 2016-2019 strategic plan entitled "Embracing the Challenge" remains directionally correct and we will continue to work toward that plan. The challenges we face relate to the complexity and competitiveness of our environment. If we embrace these challenges head on and become progressive in our approach to them, we as a Society will benefit substantially. I’ve communicated to our Board of Directors that ISPE membership has entrusted us to lead the organization and represent their professional interests. It is a responsibility that must not be taken lightly. In the coming months, we will likely encounter difficult challenges and business decisions that will test our collective strength. In these situations we will need to be both inclusive in thought and decisive in action. In the coming year I’ve identified four primary areas where I will focus. These are:

  • Transparency
  • Business Diversity
  • Collaboration
  • Strengthening Our Core


Ensure the appropriate level of awareness and input on strategies and key business decisions at all levels of the organization.

Business Diversity

Seek business opportunities through engaging and establishing effective partnerships with academia and other not-for-profit organizations with common industry goals and objectives. Leverage existing ISPE expertise and structure to enhance global effectiveness.


Leverage our Chapters and Affiliates to more effectively share and promote knowledge and expertise globally. Leverage the skills and insights of our Young Professionals in the development of current and future strategies.

Strengthening Our Core

Identify opportunities to enhance efficiencies in the development and execution of our conferences, technical documents, and member services. Through this column and via a communication portal on our website, I will provide you with updates on our progress and timely information on topics that affect us all. Ultimately, the Board is your voice, and we are here to establish goals that support you. I look forward to working with you, and together we can continue to progress the success and respect of ISPE.

Mike Arnold - ISPE International Board of Directors Chair - Signature