2019 Category Winner for Sustainability

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Celgene International II

Location: Couvet, Canton of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Project: The Green Fairy Project (La Fée Verte)

The Facility of the Year Award (FOYA) in Sustainability is awarded to the Celgene Corporation “Green Fairy Project” located in Couvet, Switzerland.

One of the main objectives for the new facility was to implement an environmentally responsible and sustainable site in-line with their corporate principles. Many studies were carried out to determine the best environmental and sustainable practices based on the site’s geographical location, climate, solar exposition, ground soil properties, groundwater, river proximity, etc. As a result, the project provides an overall site energy concept which integrates energy recovery for water heating or cooling using geothermal energy and energy recovery from different utility equipment heat sources. The geothermal energy recovery system has been integrated within the building’s structural support piles using the so-called “geothermal piles.”

Celgene International II exterior

The project produces electrical energy using photovoltaic solar panels installed in the main building’s rooftops at the site. The project team had as a goal to select the most environmentally-friendly and energy-efficient utility equipment, materials, and components. Chillers and geothermal cooling/heating media uses green chemistry/environmentally-friendly chemicals. The office and cafeteria buildings also use the principles of free cooling – optimizing the exterior temperatures which are 90% of the time during the year below 65oF (18oC) and using natural solar exposition for office space heating controlled by automatic window blinds and protected with double façade glass.

Overall, the unique and innovative site energy concept provides total reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of ~ 1400 Metric Tons CO2 per/year. This is equivalent to 70% CO2 emissions reduction compared to a standard installation and building construction

The project focused during its definition and implementation with meeting and exceeding the Swiss Building Minergie® label requirements and to provide a site with effective use of energy.

  • Celgene International II, img1

For their accomplishments, the Sustainability Category is awarded to the Celgene team.

Supply Partners and Key Participants:

  • Manufacturer/Owner Name: Celgene International II Sàrl
  • Engineer/Architects(A&E): Amec Foster Wheeler (Wood Group - Italy);Bauart Architects; Chammartin & Spricher SA; ALRO Engineering SA; Belthiotherm SA;
  • Construction Manager and
    Main/General Contractor: BEG SA;
  • Piping Subcontractor: RIEDO Clima AG; Alvazzi Groupe SA; Despraz SA; DES
  • HVAC Subcontractor Engie & Winkenbach SA
  • Automation and Control Supplier: Flückiger Electricité SA; Siemens; Emerson/Vertiv Infrastructure AG; Rotronic
  • Major Equipment Supplier(s)/Contractor(s): Rosin Entreprise; BWT AQUA AG; Bosh-Apaco AG;Atlas-Copco - Apaco AG; JAG Jakob AG; Bosch; Müller GmbH; Fette; L.B. Bohle Maschinen GmbH; Mediseal; Marchesini; Ermaflux; Sensum d.o.o.